Last Updated | |||
Procedure:1001 | Communicating Course Information to Students (1) | 02/04/2022 | |
1001 | Communicating Course Information to Students | 02/04/2022 | |
Procedure:1002 | Directed Independent Study Request (1) | 02/18/2015 | |
1002 | Directed Independent Study Request | 02/18/2015 | |
Procedure:1003 | Determining Class Size (2) | 11/03/2015 | |
1003 | Determining Class Size | 11/03/2015 | |
1003-Attach1 | Course Section Information | 11/03/2015 | |
Procedure:1006 | Faculty Workload - Academic Accounting System and Department Coordination (1) | 06/06/2017 | |
1006 | Faculty Workload - Academic Accounting System and Department Coordination | 06/06/2017 | |
Procedure:1007 | Substitutes for Teaching Faculty (1) | 02/18/2015 | |
1007 | Substitutes for Teaching Faculty | 02/18/2015 | |
Procedure:1008 | Educational Field Trips (3) | 02/18/2015 | |
1008 | Educational Field Trips | 02/18/2015 | |
1008-Attach1 | Field Trip/Off Campus Permission Form | 02/18/2015 | |
1008-Attach2 | Field Trip Agreement Release | 02/18/2015 | |
Procedure:1017 | Process for Awarding Endowed Faculty Chairs (1) | 09/10/2018 | |
1017 | Process for Awarding Endowed Faculty Chairs | 09/10/2018 | |
Procedure:1018 | Academic Appeal Procedure (2) | 08/07/2018 | |
1018 | Academic Appeal Procedure | 08/07/2018 | |
1018-Attach1 | Student Request for Administrative Conference | 07/01/2014 | |
Procedure:1020 | Program Advisory Committees (1) | 11/01/2016 | |
1020 | Program Advisory Committees | 11/01/2016 | |
Procedure:1022 | Faculty Continuing Contract (2) | 11/03/2015 | |
1022 | Faculty Continuing Contract 11/03/2015 | 11/03/2015 | |
1022-Attach1 | Faculty Continuing Contract Peer Compatibility Form | 11/03/2015 | |
Procedure:1023 | Lab Fees-Establishing and Reviewing (2) | 02/18/2015 | |
1023 | Lab Fees-Establishing and Reviewing | 02/18/2015 | |
1023-Attach1 | Lab Fee Approval Form | 02/18/2015 | |
Procedure:1024 | Faculty Schedule Assignment (1) | 02/07/2017 | |
1024 | Faculty Schedule Assignment | 02/07/2017 | |
Procedure:1025 | Admissions Procedure (1) | 03/06/2018 | |
1025 | Admissions Procedure | 03/06/2018 | |
Procedure:1028 | Faculty Campus Transfers (1) | 02/07/2017 | |
1028 | Faculty Campus Transfers | 02/07/2017 | |
Procedure:1029 | Limited-Admission Programs (1) | 12/06/2016 | |
1029 | Limited-Admission Programs | 12/06/2016 | |
Procedure:1030 | College Student E-Mail System (1) | 06/04/2019 | |
1030 | College Student E-Mail System | 06/04/2019 | |
Procedure:1031 | Intercollegiate Athletics Drug and Alcohol Testing (1) | 02/21/2017 | |
1031 | Intercollegiate Athletics Drug and Alcohol Testing | 02/21/2017 | |
Procedure:1032 | Intellectual Property (1) | 03/17/2015 | |
1032 | Intellectual Property | 03/17/2015 | |
Procedure:1033 | Student Records Retention (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
1033 | Student Records Retention | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:1034 | Alternative, Accelerated, and Articulated Credit (2) | 09/15/2015 | |
1034 | Alternative, Accelerated, and Articulated Credit | 09/15/2015 | |
1034-Attach1 | Fee for Prior Learning Assessment Credit Form | 09/15/2015 | |
Procedure:1035 | HIV/AIDS Procedure (1) | 10/25/2013 | |
1035 | HIV/AIDS Procedure | 10/25/2013 | |
Procedure:4004 | Copyright Law (1) | 07/01/2014 | |
4004 | Copyright Law | 07/01/2014 | |
Procedure:5001 | Code of Conduct for Student Participants (1) | 02/22/2024 | |
5001 | Code of Conduct for Student Participants | 02/22/2024 | |
Procedure:5002 | Graduation (1) | 01/08/2019 | |
5002 | Graduation | 01/08/2019 | |
Procedure:5003 | FERPA (1) | 04/05/2016 | |
5003 | FERPA | 04/05/2016 | |
Procedure:5007 | Delinquent Accounts (1) | 02/06/2018 | |
5007 | Delinquent Accounts | 02/06/2018 | |
Procedure:5008 | Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (1) | 06/21/2017 | |
5008 | Accommodation for Students with Disabilities | 06/21/2017 | |
Procedure:5013 | Financial Aid Procedures Access (1) | 08/28/2007 | |
5013 | Financial Aid Procedures Access | 08/28/2007 | |
Procedure:5014 | International Students (1) | 06/04/2019 | |
5014 | International Students | 06/04/2019 | |
Procedure:5016 | Scholarships (1) | 02/07/2018 | |
5016 | Scholarships | 02/07/2018 | |
Procedure:5017 | Standards of Academic Progress and Course Repeat Policy (2) | 10/04/2016 | |
5017 | Standards of Academic Progress and Course Repeat Policy | 10/04/2016 | |
5017-Attach1 | Incomplete Coursework Plan | 10/04/2016 | |
Procedure:5018 | Student Housing for Athletes (1) | 06/04/2019 | |
5018 | Student Housing for Athletes | 06/04/2019 | |
Procedure:5021 | Student Media (1) | 10/01/2019 | |
5021 | Student Media | 10/01/2019 | |
Procedure:5022 | Course Audits (1) | 11/05/2019 | |
5022 | Course Audits | 11/05/2019 | |
Procedure:5023 | Interpretation of College Regulations (1) | 01/12/2015 | |
5023 | Interpretation of College Regulations | 01/12/2015 | |
Procedure:5024 | Presidential Fee Waivers (1) | 07/01/2014 | |
5024 | Presidential Fee Waivers | 07/01/2014 | |
Procedure:5025 | Student Appeals Hearing Protocol (1) | 04/05/2022 | |
5025 | Student Appeals Hearing Protocol | 04/05/2022 | |
Procedure:5026 | Academic Dishonesty Procedure (2) | 05/07/2019 | |
5026 | Academic Dishonesty Procedure | 05/07/2019 | |
5026-Attach1 | Grade Appeal for Academic Dishonesty Request Package | 03/12/2013 | |
Procedure:5027 | Student Code of Conduct: Sexual Misconduct Procedure (1) | 09/01/2020 | |
5027 | Student Code of Conduct: Sexual Misconduct Procedure | 09/01/2020 | |
Procedure:5028 | Student Code of Conduct: Sanctions and Assignment of Penalties for Violations (1) | 02/22/2024 | |
5028 | Student Code of Conduct: Sanctions and Assignment of Penalties for Violations | 02/22/2024 | |
Procedure:5029 | Student Code of Conduct Violation Procedure: Student Groups and Organizations (1) | 02/22/2024 | |
5029 | Student Code of Conduct Violation Procedure: Student Groups & Organizations | 02/22/2024 | |
Procedure:5030 | Policy on Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators (1) | 03/20/2012 | |
5030 | Policy on Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators | 03/20/2012 | |
Procedure:5031 | Validating High School Transcripts for Admission Purposes (1) | 06/04/2019 | |
5031 | Validating High School Transcripts for Admission Purposes | 06/04/2019 | |
Procedure:5032 | Institutional Review Board (IRB) (1) | 02/04/2020 | |
5032 | Institutional Review Board (IRB) | 02/04/2020 | |
Procedure:5033 | Funding of Student Activities and Organizations (1) | 02/04/2020 | |
5033 | Funding of Student Activities and Organizations | 02/04/2020 | |
Procedure:5034 | Textbook Affordability (2) | 03/06/2018 | |
5034 | Textbook Affordability | 03/06/2018 | |
5034-Attach1 | Faculty Textbook Selection Process | 03/06/2018 | |
Procedure:5035 | Determining Credit Hours (1) | 04/03/2018 | |
5035 | Determining Credit Hours | 04/03/2018 | |
Procedure:5036 | Course Substitution (1) | 05/17/2016 | |
5036 | Course Substitution | 05/17/2016 | |
Procedure:5037 | Substantive Change (2) | 05/01/2018 | |
5037 | Substantive Change | 05/01/2018 | |
5037-Attach 1 | Process for Requesting Course Offerings at Off-Campus Instructional Sites | 05/01/2018 | |
Procedure:5038 | Polk State College Care Team (1) | 05/07/2019 | |
5038 | Polk State College Care Team | 05/07/2019 | |
Procedure:5039 | Faculty and Staff Emeritus (1) | 11/05/2019 | |
5039 | Faculty and Staff Emeritus | 11/05/2019 | |
Procedure:6001 | Authority to Sign Various College Documents (3) | 08/23/2011 | |
6001 | Authority to Sign Various College Documents | 08/23/2011 | |
6001-Attach1 | Administrative & Business 1 | 08/23/2011 | |
6001-Attach2 | Administrative & Business 2 | 08/23/2011 | |
Procedure:6002 | Committee System (2) | 11/05/2019 | |
6002 | Committee System | 11/05/2019 | |
6002-Attach1 | Committee Composition | 11/05/2019 | |
Procedure:6003 | Budget Development (Operating Fund) (1) | 02/05/2019 | |
6003 | Budget Development (Operating Fund) | 02/05/2019 | |
Procedure:6004 | Budget Amendments (1) | 10/02/2018 | |
6004 | Budget Amendments | 10/02/2018 | |
Procedure:6005 | Overtime (1) | 11/07/2017 | |
6005 | Overtime | 11/07/2017 | |
Procedure:6006 | Scheduling and Use of College Facilities and/or Properties (5) | 03/19/2014 | |
6006 | Scheduling and Use of College Facilities and/or Properties | 03/19/2014 | |
6006-Attach1 | Fee Schedule | 03/19/2014 | |
6006-Attach2 | Facilities Action Sheet | 03/19/2014 | |
6006-Attach3 | Facilities Action Sheet Fine Arts Theatre | 03/19/2014 | |
6006-Attach4 | Facilities Contract | 03/19/2014 | |
Procedure:6008 | Career Employee Performance Evaluation System (3) | 08/12/2010 | |
6008 | Career Employee Performace Evaluation System | 08/12/2010 | |
6008-Attach1 | Career Personnel Performance Review | 08/12/2010 | |
6008-Attach2 | Performance Evaluation Guide for Superviors | 08/12/2010 | |
Procedure:6009 | Administrator’s Performance Evaluation (1) | 05/26/2015 | |
6009 | Administrator’s Performance Evaluation | 05/26/2015 | |
Procedure:6011 | Request for Personnel Action (RPA) (2) | 08/10/2010 | |
6011 | Request for Personnel Action (RPA) | 08/10/2010 | |
6011-Attach1 | Request for Personnel Action | 08/10/2010 | |
Procedure:6012 | Teaching Faculty Evaluation System (12) | 07/01/2014 | |
6012 | Teaching Faculty Evaluation System | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach1 | Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach2 | Faculty Goals | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach3 | Formal Evaluation Instrument for Full Time Teaching Faculty | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach4 | Faculty Face-to-Face Classroom Observation Form | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach5 | Faculty Online Observation Form | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach6 | Progress on Faculty Goals | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach7 | Summary of Faculty Conference Form | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach8 | Adjunct Faculty Self-Evaluation | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach9 | Formal Evaluation Instrument for Adjunct Teaching Faculty | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach10 | Personnel Evaluation and Development System (PEDS) | 07/01/2014 | |
6012-Attach11 | Faculty Peer Compatibility Survey | 07/01/2014 | |
Procedure:6013 | Employee Grievance Procedure (1) | 03/03/2020 | |
6013 | Employee Grievance Procedure | 03/03/2020 | |
Procedure:6014 | Recruiting/Employment Process (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6014 | Recruiting/Employment Process | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6015 | Student Worker Employment (1) | 08/09/2010 | |
6015 | Student Worker Employment | 08/09/2010 | |
Procedure:6019 | Position Classifications (1) | 09/01/2020 | |
6019 | Position Classifications | 09/01/2020 | |
Procedure:6021 | Accidents and First Aid (1) | 11/07/2017 | |
6021 | Accidents and First Aid | 11/07/2017 | |
Procedure:6022 | Emergency Evacuations and Closure Pay (1) | 02/06/2018 | |
6022 | Emergency Evacuations and Closure Pay | 02/06/2018 | |
Procedure:6024 | Tangible Personal Property (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6024 | Tangible Personal Property | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6030 | External Public Relations (1) | 03/15/2016 | |
6030 | External Public Relations | 03/15/2016 | |
Procedure:6031 | College Catalog/Handbook Procedure (1) | 11/05/2019 | |
6031 | College Catalog/Handbook Procedure | 11/05/2019 | |
Procedure:6035 | Use of Staff and Program Development Funds (SPD) (1) | 09/06/2016 | |
6035 | Use of Staff and Program Development Funds (SPD) | 09/06/2016 | |
Procedure:6037 | Mail Containing Funds (1) | 04/18/2017 | |
6037 | Mail Containing Funds | 04/18/2017 | |
Procedure:6038 | College Calendar (1) | 01/30/2015 | |
6038 | College Calendar | 01/30/2015 | |
Procedure:6042 | Petty Cash (1) | 11/07/2017 | |
6042 | Petty Cash | 11/07/2017 | |
Procedure:6043 | Ticket Sales (1) | 02/04/2020 | |
6043 | Ticket Sales | 02/04/2020 | |
Procedure:6047 | Traffic Regulations (1) | 10/01/2019 | |
6047 | Traffic Regulations | 10/01/2019 | |
Procedure:6049 | Travel and Subsistence for Authorized Persons (1) | 11/03/2020 | |
6049 | Travel and Subsistence for Authorized Persons | 11/03/2020 | |
Procedure:6050 | Art Selection (5) | 03/07/2011 | |
6050 | Art Selection | 03/07/2011 | |
6050-Attach1 | Visual Artists Contract | 03/07/2011 | |
6050-Attach2 | Art-Donation Agreement | 03/07/2011 | |
6050-Attach3 | Art-on-Loan Agreement | 03/07/2011 | |
6050-Attach4 | Cash Donation for Art Agreement | 03/07/2011 | |
Procedure:6051 | Accounting Process, PSC Foundation (1) | 02/21/2017 | |
6051 | Accounting Process, PSC Foundation | 02/21/2017 | |
Procedure:6052 | Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, and Equity (1) | 09/01/2020 | |
6052 | Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, and Equity | 09/01/2020 | |
Procedure:6054 | Applicant Equity Complaint Procedure (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6054 | Applicant Equity Complaint Procedure | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6056 | Faculty Senate Bylaws (1) | 12/03/2019 | |
6056 | Faculty Senate Bylaws | 12/03/2019 | |
Procedure:6057 | Distribution of Literature, Solicitation on Campus and Campus Free Speech (1) | 09/26/2022 | |
6057 | Distribution of Literature, Solicitation on Campus and Campus Free Speech | 09/26/2022 | |
Procedure:6059 | Employee Education Fund (EEF) (1) | 10/01/2019 | |
6059 | Employee Education Fund (EEF) | 10/01/2019 | |
Procedure:6061 | Promotional Materials on College Sites (1) | 04/05/2022 | |
6061 | Promotional Materials on College Sites | 04/05/2022 | |
Procedure:6062 | Process to Apply for Foundation Funds (1) | 02/21/2017 | |
6062 | Process to Apply for Foundation Funds | 02/21/2017 | |
Procedure:6063 | Procedure to Implement Article VI Senate Constitution DBOT Rule 2.24 (1) | 11/01/2016 | |
6063 | Procedure to Implement Article VI Senate Constitution DBOT Rule 2.24 | 11/01/2016 | |
Procedure:6064 | Volunteer Service (9) | 08/09/2010 | |
6064 | Volunteer Service | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach1 | PSC Volunteer Profile Form | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach2 | PSC Volunteer Pledge | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach3 | College and Volunteer Relationships | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach4 | Volunteer Staffing Request | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach5 | Volunteer Feedback | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach6 | Volunteer Time Sheet | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach7 | Volunteer Evaluations | 08/09/2010 | |
6064-Attach8 | VECHS Wavier Agreement and Statement | 08/09/2010 | |
Procedure:6065 | Access to PSC Employee Records (1) | 01/05/2016 | |
6065 | Access to PSC Employee Records | 01/05/2016 | |
Procedure:6066 | Substitutions and Waivers Committee (1) | 11/05/2019 | |
6066 | Substitutions and Waivers Committee | 11/05/2019 | |
Procedure:6067 | Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) (1) | 02/06/2018 | |
6067 | Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) | 02/06/2018 | |
Procedure:6068 | Screening Committee (1) | 03/06/2018 | |
6068 | Screening Committee | 03/06/2018 | |
Procedure:6069 | Summer Flexible Work Schedules (1) | 06/09/2015 | |
6069 | Summer Flexible Work Schedules | 06/09/2015 | |
Procedure:6070 | Fund Raising Activities (1) | 02/21/2017 | |
6070 | Fund Raising Activities | 02/21/2017 | |
Procedure:6072 | Grant Development and Administration (1) | 01/24/2017 | |
6072 | Grant Development and Administration | 01/24/2017 | |
Procedure:6073 | Procedure on Rules & Procedures (1) | 06/09/2015 | |
6073 | Procedure on Rules & Procedures | 06/09/2015 | |
Procedure:6074 | Completing Faculty Related Experience Form (REX) (3) | 04/04/2017 | |
6074 | Completing Faculty Related Experience Form (REX) | 04/04/2017 | |
6074-Attach1 | Faculty Salary Placement and Calculation Form | 04/04/2017 | |
6074-Attach2 | Related Experience Calculation Form | 04/04/2017 | |
Procedure:6075 | College-Owned Wireless Devices (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6075 | College-Owned Wireless Devices | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6076 | Sexual Harassment (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6076 | Sexual Harassment | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6077 | Accommodation of Religious Beliefs (1) | 10/02/2018 | |
6077 | Accommodation of Religious Beliefs | 10/02/2018 | |
Procedure:6078 | Accommodation of Disabilities-Employment (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6078 | Accommodation of Disabilities-Employment | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6080 | Sick Leave Pool (1) | 12/03/2019 | |
6080 | Sick Leave Pool | 12/03/2019 | |
Procedure:6084 | Purchasing Manual (1) | 10/02/2018 | |
6084 | Purchasing Manual | 10/02/2018 | |
Procedure:6085 | Investigations (1) | 04/05/2022 | |
6085 | Investigations | 04/05/2022 | |
Procedure:6086 | Harassment (1) | 12/04/2018 | |
6086 | Harassment | 12/04/2018 | |
Procedure:6087 | Investment of College Funds (1) | 11/07/2017 | |
6087 | Investment of College Funds | 11/07/2017 | |
Procedure:6088 | Fraud Reporting (1) | 11/07/2017 | |
6088 | Fraud Reporting | 11/07/2017 | |
Procedure:6090 | Assurance of Data and Communications Integrity and Accuracy (1) | 03/15/2016 | |
6090 | Assurance of Data and Communications Integrity and Accuracy | 03/15/2016 | |
Procedure:6091 | Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct (1) | 09/01/2020 | |
6091 | Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct | 09/01/2020 | |
Procedure:7006 | Ban on Smoking and Vaping in College Buildings (1) | 02/04/2020 | |
7006 | Ban on Smoking and Vaping in College Buildings | 02/04/2020 | |
Procedure:7007 | Safety Reports (1) | 12/03/2019 | |
7007 | Safety Reports | 12/03/2019 | |
Procedure:7008 | Safety Manual for Polk State College (1) | 10/01/2019 | |
7008 | Safety Manual for Polk State College | 10/01/2019 | |
Procedure:7009 | Florida Building Code Compliance Program (1) | 02/04/2020 | |
7009 | Florida Building Code Compliance Program | 02/04/2020 | |
Procedure:7010 | Florida State Employee Tuition and Fee Wavier (1) | 02/21/2017 | |
7010 | Florida State Employee Tuition and Fee Wavier | 02/21/2017 | |
Procedure:7011 | Renovation & Remodeling Procedure (2) | 08/10/2010 | |
7011 | Renovation & Remodeling Procedure | 08/10/2010 | |
7011-Attach1 | Request for Renovation/Remodeling Form | 08/10/2010 | |
Procedure:7012 | Video Surveillance and Recording (1) | 12/09/2022 | |
7012 | Video Surveillance and Recording | 12/09/2022 | |
Procedure:7013 | Response to Threats to Campus Safety (1) | 02/22/2024 | |
7013 | Response to Threats to Campus Safety | 02/22/2024 | |
Procedure:7014 | Restrooms and Changing Facilities (1) | 03/27/2024 | |
7014 | Restrooms and Changing Facilities | 03/27/2024 |